Staying Beautiful in Your 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s

Staying Beautiful in Your 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s

Your twenties

Enjoy your beautiful, wrinkle free skin! But use plenty of SPF on your face, even in winter, to minimise damage and protect your skin for the decades to come.

The skin condition you are most likely to encounter in your twenties is acne. Ensure you seek medical advice for treatments before trying over the counter remedies and pay attention to what, if any, changes in your diet and lifestyle have a negative and positive effect.

Your thirties

This is when broken capillaries can appear on and around your nose, and on your cheeks. Skin tone can become uneven and sun spots may appear. Try a course of laser treatment or Intense Pulse Light (IPL).

You may also start noticing crow’s feet and vertical forehead lines between your eyebrows. Botox in these areas will not only minimise early signs of ageing, but also prevent deeper lines from forming.

The shape of the face starts changing here due to subtle changes in bone structure and loss of facial fat, especially around the eyes where some hollowness (tear-troughs) start forming. The cheeks may also show some volume loss with loss and descent of fat to start forming jowls. The early use of fillers at this stage can replace the lost volume and shape with hyaluronic acid while stimulating the production of collagen for a fresher and more youthful appearance.

Your forties and fifties

Both collagen and Hyaluronic Acid diminish greatly in your forties and fifties, leaving your skin drier and less plump, resulting in more pronounced lines and wrinkles. Look for products that moisturise and resurface the skin, such as Hyaluronic Acid and Retinyl Palmate. It’s essential to use a high SPF moisturiser daily as sun damage can still cause premature ageing.

Bony and soft tissue changes progress in these decades, so that the skeletal framework continues to shrink and the soft tissues lose their support. Decreased volume in the midface, along with the formation of jowls, mean that the ideal oval or heart shaped face in women, and square shape in men, is lost. People start to look more tired, even though they may feel in the prime of their life.

These are the decades when attention given to facial shape as a whole, rather than isolated areas, pays dividends. Fillers should be used to add volume and shape to the bone structure; when placed on the bony margins of the face to restore height and width, they lift the saggy soft tissues and have a tightening effect on the skin. When the shape and outline of the forehead, temples, cheeks and jawline are restored, in a way that follows the ideal, mathematical proportions of the face as a whole, the result is a more balanced, harmonious and youthful appearance.